Integrated Travel supports a collaborative approach to freight and passenger rail service in Montana. It's International research and development team recommmends best practices to ensure businesses and individuals in Montana are provided the world class transportation and travel systems. We believe in an integrated, responsible approach to infrastructure investment. 


Rail for All: Connecting Neighbors - Alberta-Montana Corridor:


In addition to benefiting the local tourism industry, Integrated Travel is exploring the possibility of connecting with Montana Regional Rail. This connection would create new travel opportunities for US travelers and further boost the region's tourism industry, ensuring transportation equity. By providing easy access to the Calgary–Edmonton corridor, the connection with Montana Regional Rail makes it an attractive destination for cross-border travel. It creates a seamless and integrated transportation system that spans the border, offering a new and exciting travel option for tourists and promoting transportation equity.


We are excited to collaborate with the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority to foster closer connections among our communities through responsible rail projects. This partnership brings mutual advantages to both regions, including increased tourism, strengthened economic ties, and an improved quality of life. Our goal is to ensure that these benefits are accessible to all Albertans.


The Connecting Neighbors program aims to deliver a range of benefits to underserved communities along the Alberta-Montana corridor. These benefits include improved connectivity, transportation fairness, economic growth, enhanced quality of life, better airport access, and reduced emissions. The program is committed to promoting fairness and transportation equity for all communities along the corridor.


Benefits Our Rail for All "Connecting Neighbors" Alberta-Montana Corridor:


1. Accessible Transportation: Prioritizing affordable transportation for all individuals, reducing traffic on roads and highways, and providing access to jobs and education.


2. Connecting communities on both sides of the border - especially indigenous communites


3. Economic Growth: Boosting sustainability and economic development in smaller communities while enhancing the quality of life for all residents.


4. Airport Connectivity: Connecting major international airports for efficiency and accessibility.


5. Reduced Emissions: Significantly reducing CO2 emissions compared to air travel, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly transportation option.


The Five Pillars of "Connecting Neighbors" Approach


1. Safety: Prioritizing safety measures to prevent accidents.


2. Equality: Ensuring that all communities, especially underserved and indigenous ones, have their rights and interests respected.


3. Sustainability: Implementing sustainable technologies and practices to lower our carbon footprint and help reach carbon reduction targets.


4. Practicality: Using new advanced technologies like hydrogen and electric battery on freight-compatible rolling stock, utilizing existing track with new sidings and community stations.


5. Accessibility: Making rail systems accessible to all, including passengers with disabilities, as well as the underserved rural and indigenous communities found along the Alberta-Montana corridor.


Montana Essential Freight Rail Loan Program:


The Montana Department of Transportation administers a low-interest revolving loan fund to support freight rail projects that enhance freight rail service in Montana.


The US Department of Transportation also offers Railroad Crossing Elimination grants that will improve right of way safety throughout Montana.







721 Central Ave, Great Falls, MT 59401



Reach out to us via e-mail at or by phone at +1 406-231-5535.


Integrated Travel Research and Development is a Montana based Non-Profit advocating for improved inter-city travel options for Montana residents and visitors.