About Us

Introducing Integrated Travel 

Passenger Rail Service Between Calgary and Edmonton Alberta ended 38 years ago.

Together, we can bring it back.


Integrated Travel is a not-for-profit organization that advocates for the needs of rail passengers, prioritizing regional concerns over provincial and international boundaries. To drive change, Integrated Travel collaborates with infrastructure and transportation as well as community stakeholders and supporters. stakeholders to strengthen relationships and bring economic, environmental, and equity benefits to all citizens of Alberta. We advocate for regional inter-municipality transportation network that provides seamless, door-to-door connectivity to everyone in the region. We are not a policy organization - we are a collection of professionals who beleive in building prosperity with equality.


Integrated Travel is looking to reestablish safe, reliable, and sustainable passenger rail service in the province. The goal is to increase opportunities and contribute to the health and well-being of people across Alberta.


Integrated Travel believes that a comprehensive passenger rail network, seamlessly connected to other modes of transportation, will yield significant benefits for the region's economy, environment, and more importantly, transportation equity.


Since 2019, Integrated Travel has been actively engaging, educating, and energizing the public, elected officials, businesses, and local leaders. This is accomplished through outreach efforts, Train Treks, presentations for legislators and communities, advocacy work, soliciting support resolutions and letters, publicity initiatives, coalition building, and event planning.


Integrated Travel is a not-for-profit organization that advocates for the needs of rail passengers in Alberta. We prioritize regional concerns and collaborate with infrastructure, transportation, and community stakeholders to bring economic, environmental, and equity benefits to the region. Our goal is to reestablish safe, reliable, and sustainable passenger rail service in the province, contributing to the well-being of people across Alberta. We believe that a comprehensive passenger rail network, connected to other modes of transportation, will have significant positive impacts on the region's economy, environment, and transportation equity. Since 2019, we have actively engaged the public, elected officials, businesses, and local leaders through various initiatives to raise awareness and support for our cause.


“Rail for All” Approach


At Integrated Travel, our goal is to promote transportation equity for all individuals. Through our Integrated Travel approach, we strive to offer accessible and affordable transportation options, irrespective of income or background. By fostering connections between communities and promoting sustainability, we aim to create a future where transportation is fair and inclusive for everyone in Alberta.


We have a special focus on serving underserved communities, including indigenous and rural areas. Our dedication to transportation equity extends to these communities as well.


Our “Rail for All” Approach:


We advocate for a practical and equitable approach to addressing transportation and environmental challenges in Alberta through the implementation of Rail for All. Our focus is on utilizing new technologies on existing rail infrastructure, with the goal of promoting sustainability and responsible transportation.


Rail for All refers to the use of sustainable and cost-effective transportation methods that benefit the communities they serve. In the context of regional rail, this means retrofitting rolling stock and locomotives on existing infrastructure to increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact.


While high-speed rail may be exciting and receive media attention, it is not always the most responsible mode of transportation or investment. The construction and maintenance of high-speed rail lines can be extremely expensive, and the economic impacts may not always align with the needs of the communities they serve.


On the other hand, implementing Rail for All through the retrofitting of existing infrastructure is a more cost-effective and responsible option. It still provides a fast mode of transportation that can bring significant benefits to communities and the environment.

The Benefits of Restoring Passenger rail in Alberta


  • Creates Jobs


  • Generates a positive internal rate of return to right of way owners, passenger rail operators, the province, municipalies and rural businesses


  • Provides safe, clean transportation year-round for healthcare, education, commerce and tourism


  • Upgrades rail line capacity for freight and passenger service



Our vision is for a regional inter-municipality transportation network that provides seamless, door-to-door connectivity to everyone in the region. Scheduled regional passenger rail linking local transit, ride share, transit and airlines offers economic, environmental and equity benefits to all, including low-income, first nations, disability and rural communities, locations where transportation alternatives are limited, and those who cannot drive.


We must build a transportation network that will allow anyone to get from their homes to where they need to go – work, school, medical care, family and friends – even if they don’t use a car. Non-drivers are a large and increasing fraction of the population, including the young, the old, the disabled, the poor, and those who are concerned about the planet’s future.


We must join together with those representing rail, port, transit and other transportation modes to amplify our collective voices. 


To continue our vital work throughout the region, we need your help. Please support us today!




Integrated Travel advocates for the needs of rail passengers, especially on a regional scale over provincial and international borders. To faciliate change, Integrated Travel coordinates with infrastructure and transportation interests to strengthen relationships to bring economic, environmental, and equity benefits to our citizens.


Integrated Travel believes that a comprehensive passenger and freight rail network, with seamless connections to other modes of transportation will create significant benefits to the region’s economy, environment and equity.


Our Work


Since 2019, Integrated Travel continues to engage, educate and energize the public, elected officials, business and local leaders, through outreach, Train Treks, presentations for legislators and communities, advocacy, soliciting resolutions and letters of support, publicity, coalition building and event planning.


Support Us - Integrated Travel relies on donations and sponsorships to continue our work and pay for publicly accessible research studies.